“合”是一起,“舍”是屋檐。“合舍”的拼音是HéShè,恰巧和英文单词 He (他) 和 She (她) 相同。可是不同的性格、不同的爱好、不同的专业领域、不同的文化背景,汇集在一起。合舍让我们找到重新出发的理由,去寻求新的意义。


The word “合” means “together”, and the word “舍” means “shed”. The Chinese pinyin of “合舍”, HéShè, coincides with English language “he” and “she”, a reference to people. HeShe Colab celebrates differences, and attempts to find new meaning in the most unlikely partnership.

HeShe Colab is a concept-driven design studio. Our aim is to give shape to narrative places, places that reflect the nature of either a material, a product, or a craft, and encourage meaningful dialogue for the collective and individual through the built environment. We approach each project and given boundaries with both playful and serious work ethics. We love what we do, and we would love to collaborate with people with similar mindset.



李嘉雯 (Carmen),香港出生,毕业于加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学,建筑专业硕士学位。虽然她在上海工作了十几年,可是普通话还是半桶水。曾就职于一些著名的设计公司,例如Kokaistudios、如恩设计研究室等,专注于室内建筑及室内设计。曾参与的项目颇广泛,有米勒上海展示房,水舍精品酒店,上海K11购物中心及一些私人住宅项目。

Born in Hong Kong, Carmen Lee received her Master degree in Architecture from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. She has been working in Shanghai for more than 10 years, focusing particularly in interior architecture and interior design at a few international design firms such as Kokaistudios and Neri&Hu. With her not so great Mandarin, she participated a wide range of projects, such as Miele House showroom, Water House boutique hotel, K11 Shanghai shopping mall and a few private residential projects.



司徒智盈 (Angela) 是在香港出生的多伦多人。她从年幼时开始就沉迷于视觉的世界。油画,雕塑,全息图象,艺术装置,视频制作,电脑动画等等她都曾尝试过。她在加拿大多伦多的安大略艺术设计学院毕业,取得混合媒体的美术学士学位。之后她离开了这个生活了十五年的国家,回到了她的根——香港。在香港度过七年之痒后,又在2010年来到上海。

Angela Szeto is a Hong Kong-born Torontonian who has indulged herself in the realm of visual arts since childhood. Painting, sculpting, holography, art installation, video production, web design, computer animation, to name a few, are some of the things she endeavoured. Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Fine Arts majoring in Integrated Media at the OCAD University in Toronto, Canada, she immediately left the country where she called home for over 15 years to return to her roots in Hong Kong. After a seven-year itch with an ascending design career there, in 2010, she plunged into the opportunity to work in Shanghai.